Saturday, December 17, 2011


Yesterday's gift was all about the simpleness of life.  The simple act of the phone not ringing, so Michael didn't have to go teach.  The simpleness of having Toby, our surrogate big fat cat, sleep at the bottom of my feet, as Michael and I both slept in.  The calming presence of my husband, who has an amazing ability to calm my anxiety, which has become an issue these past few weeks.  The simpleness of having a hot shower, to warm and soothe the soul.  The simpleness of grocery shopping, buying food to feed and sustain us.  The simpleness of one phone call from a friend, as we loaded our groceries in the trunk of the car, to go out for an appetizer.  The simpleness of joy and grace, and sharing that with friends.  The simpleness of dreaming about buying our own house, as we drove around the dark slick wet roads, lit up by Christmas lights.  The simpleness of driving up the mountain, the beauty of the fog, and the gratefulness of not hitting the deer on the side of the road.  The simpleness of half a glass of egg nog before bed, with a danish butter cookie.   The simpleness of sliding into clean Egyptian cotton sheets, and listening to the train, as it's whistle echoed through the valley. And the beautiful simple knowledge that Luka was with me as I fell asleep.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

An invitation to receive

Today I accepted an invitation to receive.  This is my journey in the next 32 days, to accept the gifts the universe is offering me, and to listen closely to what is being offered.  By doing this, I hope to manifest change, and grow more positive in my daily life.

Day Number One

First gift:
Receiving the invitation to be part of the Receiving Project.  Just what I needed to start my day, and a way to stay positive in my life. And I need to start loving the Universe again, since lately, I've been pretty angry with it.
Second gift: 
Retail Therapy. Enough said.
Third and most important gift:
The realization that what I love about being a teacher, is the connection I make with my students.  It is them that brings me joy, not the act of teaching, but the act of receiving from them whatever it is they need to give me.  I miss my students. I look forward to going back in January where I feel refreshed, and newly empowered with the knowledge I gained today.

I'm excited to see what the next 32 days will bring.  Thank you to my friend Maren, who inspired and encouraged me to do this.